Mission Accomplished!


Did you know that the mission of The Ward Burton Wildlife Foundation is to conserve America’s land through stewardship and education about the natural resources that will shape this country’s future?

Stewardship, education and natural resources are only a few of the lessons learned while State Water Heaters plumbing contractors and wholesaler guests toured hundreds of acres and participated in activities for a day-long adventure at the Ward Burton Cove Event on April 30, 2010.

The day started with the guests being broken up into three main groups with an assigned leader and golf cart to bustle away to one of three stations: a skeet shooting hide-away, a fishing expedition or an archery post.  As the day progressed each group rotated and was able to experience all activities of the Cove.

The skeet shooting hide-away station was led by Ward himself, who is an accomplished rifleman and didn’t miss one clay disk all day. Guests were given the opportunity for one practice round (12 shots) and then the competition cranked up with the last round playing for keeps!

The fishing expedition was relaxing, compared to the fierce rivalry at the skeet shoot. Here the fishing poles and lures were provided by the National Guard and people were able to “take it easy.”

The archery post was in the thick of the woods and laid out with artificial bears, dear and other wildlife. Thanks to BowTech, there were two professionals on-site who helped each person with their technique and ability to hit the target.

“These programs that State Water Heaters sponsors, whether it’s The Cove or NASCAR, is ultimately all about the customer,” Ward Burton said. State supports its customers and it’s all about partners and friendships.”

Ward Burton and State polished off the evening with a white linen dinner party on the property where awards were given out to State Water Heaters guests.

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